
The idea of the product named Cloud Marketing Director arose on the basis of my experience. 

I have been working on top management levels on both sides. I was in charge of designing, lalunching and executing marketing projects for international and local brands such as Johnnie Walker, Moet & Chandone, Evian, Sangria, NGOs and many more, but I was also seeking for a marketing ads and creative solution through my own magazine for hospitality- Bar Code.  Through this experience of more then 20 years I  learned the processes and the decision making paths in the marketing and commercial industry and that is how I realized that especially small and medium-sized companies really lack the in-house competency to make the marketing/ commercial  work as efficient as it  could be and wanted to be. 
Therefore, it simply came to me that as an Cloud Marketing manager (manager on demand)  I can bring a high level of affordable expertise to any size business saving the companies money, time and resources for establishing their own departments or work with agencies. 

Advantages for you:

m1The product of our services is saving your personal time, increasing efficiency and maximizing the results. You can have a Marketing Director On Demand with own team of 3-5 people that are not on your payroll. You can save a huge amount of time and money required to set up in-house marketing team to leverage agency capabilities.  With Cloud Marketing Director you cut recruitment process expenses and eliminate stuff turnover. 

Top issues we help clients with:

Are you a CEO, operational executive or business owner struggling to deal with marketing service providers (agencies)? Or maybe you're getting some results but deep down you know they could work much more efficient? Here are  some of your problems:

The lack of in-house expertise

Most small and middle business lack in-house expertise to set up the right list of tasks, goals and KPIs to marketing service providers. They lack it because their turnover simply doesn’t enable them to hire marketing person or even team to manage and evaluate marketing agencies ideas and results. 
There are so many marketing strategies, instruments and tactics and you need very deep expertise and significant experience to understand which results you can get for the particular amount of money. 

Who are the exact people you are working with. 

Most business owners make a decision to onboard an agency based on the brand name, the size of the agency and few other parameters. In other words, let me call this "Brand based decision-making process". And for sure that’s clever enough assuming that “large” and "well known" means “good”. Large and well-known agencies are more stable and more reliable. You can really trust them. There is no doubt when you see this list of credentials, it is much easier to make a decision in their's favor. However, there is one more thing that might be important to consider. You need to factor to exact people that will be working with your company. The agency can have 50 best professionals as well as 12 who are, let’s say, not as good. Could it happen that your account would be managed by one of this dozen? For sure. So, to increase the efficiency you MUST be are aware of the exact people who are working with your company and be confident that they are as good as you expect. 

Results and Reports:

There should be evaluation and measurement for any activity. The goal is to have visible results. The goals should be realistic and executable. Once you set them in a right way, you just have to have  the tactics and the measurement tools to make a follow up. 


Internationally recognized techniques for commercial and promotional activities


  • Effective and functional cross organizational structure (including distribution networks and department organization)
  • Efficient sales, increased market share 
  • Design, launch and execution of marketing campaigns and promotional activities 
  • Brand Building, increased brand image, brand awareness and brand position
  • Profitable portfolio with reliable suppliers
  • Plan for minimum operational costs
  • Customized  In house trainings and education  
  • Event management 
  • Improved corporate culture and ethical codex
  • Positive image of the company 


Radmila Pavlovska - Bsc in international marketing with practical experience of 20 years in the field of  management, commerce and marketing. CV available on LinkedIn

Strategic Partners 

  • InPut Doo Skopje- personal financial advisor and access to funds (Saska Kostovska Dlaka) 
  • D2EM Consulting dooel- international business and management consultancy, in- house consulting, coaching and training (Mihail Kitanovski) 

"Bar Code consultancy & Expertise"- your business therapy